Creativity Colleague who could have imagined 25 years ago that Acre 25 will be an online conference. 25 years ago we were just so happy that we were able to organize the first ever international creativity conference in Africa---and now we have reached number 25.
Thank you to all our amazing presenters and loyal supporters over such a long period of time. You have shaped Acre into one of the top three international creativity conferences in the world. Once again we have the best of the best creativity experts and leaders presenting at Acre 25. Attending Acre is now a possibility for thousands who always wanted to attend but found it too expensive and time-consuming to travel to South Africa.
The Acre Business Conference takes place on 20/21 October and the Acre Education Conference on 22 October. 2020 forced most people and organizations to dig deeper than ever before--- to find possibilities that will only appear if you have the fresh eyes to see the multitude of possibilities all around us. Roger Firestien’s words ring very true once again: “It is your personal and organizational creativity that will make you thrive in good and bad times.”
We believe that our theme is the right one for our current challenging times. We all need to move away from ‘poor brain’ thinking with regards to wealth, leadership, relationships, education --- everything. We all have a rich brain and it is time that we rediscover the rich brain that we all possess. And all your amazing Creativity experts are back to unlock the magic of the rich brain.
Business + Education
20 /22 October 2020
20/21 October 2020
22 October 2020
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